Knowledge Base browse articles
What is the Lead Time for Seeed Fusion PCB Assembly orders?
Lead time is defined as the time from order confirmation to dispatch from the warehouse. It consists of the PCBA production time + warehouse packing time. Average production time for PCBA orders usin -
Seeed Fusion PCB Assembly Service Quick Questions
日本語版 What are the PCBA Open Parts Libraries? A. The Open Parts Libraries (or OPLs) are a catalog of locally sourced parts -
Seeed Fusionでのカラーシルク印刷の設計:ヒントとベストプラクティス カラーシルク印刷は、プリント回路基板(PCB)製造の不可欠な部分であり、基板上の部品の配置にラベルを付けたり表示したりするのに役立ちます。カラーシルク印刷は通常、1色または2色で、ますます多くのデザイナーがPCBのシルクスクリーンに複数の色を追加しようとしています。 もしFusionでカラーシルク印刷を設計する -
2019.10.28 から FAQ内容の更新はFusionPCBブロクに移行いたします。 #全部済ませるまで引き続き元のFAQご利用くださいようによろしくお願いします。 可能です。 オーダー金額は10000円(及び85$-90$)以上の場合発生します。 関税 = 基板代金*10% 前払いの場合、弊社から28$の手数料
Ideas browse ideas
Stackup information PCBs
My Seeed Idea I wish 124 votes · 14 commentsInformation about the stackup for a four-layer PCB. I would be nice to have a stackup for every PCB thickness seeedstudio provides. This makes impedance based routing possible. -
Add an easily downloadable Eagle DRC file to the website
My Seeed Idea I suggest 29 votes · 3 commentsAdd the EAGLE DRC for download -
Fusion PCB pricing
My Seeed Idea I suggest 29 votes · 4 commentsPCB should be priced by the total sq cm used & not by fixed length & width measurements. This would stop crazy price jumps. Build a board that is 5.54cm & you have to move up to 10cm size board pricing. This crazy & shouldn't be happening. Please price your boards fairer for the total area of the boards used & not for the area not used. -
bring back the currency drop down menu and wish list. Previous Seeed web site was much better!!! It used be more overseas customer friendly!
My Seeed Idea I suggest 24 votes · 2 comments